Housing Development

Round two LIHTC awards to build or preserve 853 affordable homes

In July, Kansas Housing received 19 applications for the 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), equating to more than $362 million in Private Activity Bonds (PABs) for the second of two application rounds. Of the seven applications awarded, the approved LIHTCs and PABs will build 481 new units and rehabilitate 372 existing affordable units. […]

Round two LIHTC awards to build or preserve 853 affordable homes Read More »

HUD Regional Administrator Ulysses "Deke" Clayborn presents check to KHRC staff

Kansas Housing Receives $8 Million to Expand Affordable Housing for Kansans with Disabilities

Ulysses “Deke” Clayborn, Regional Administrator of U.S Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Region VII, presented a check for $8 million on Aug. 20 to the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) to administer the state’s new Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) for Persons with Disabilities program. The award will help KHRC identify and refer low-income

Kansas Housing Receives $8 Million to Expand Affordable Housing for Kansans with Disabilities Read More »

Kansas Housing conditionally awards $19,166,250.50 in HOME-ARP funds, announces plans to amend the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, HUD obligated HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds to KHRC in the amount of $22,548,530. HOME-ARP is designed to support specific Qualifying Populations, as follows: Homeless At Risk of Homelessness Fleeing, or Attempting to Flee, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Human Trafficking Other

Kansas Housing conditionally awards $19,166,250.50 in HOME-ARP funds, announces plans to amend the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Read More »

Kansas Housing awards more than $180 million in support of affordable housing developments

Fifteen housing developments in fourteen Kansas communities will add a collective 522 affordable homes to the state’s housing stock, thanks to funds awarded through the state’s competitive housing development application process. The awards, totaling $9.99 million in both federal and state tax credits and $8.625 million in HUD Resources, will create over $180 million in development to

Kansas Housing awards more than $180 million in support of affordable housing developments Read More »

Senator Moran announces $2.5M in federal funds to rehabilitate, preserve Wichita apartment complex

Senator Jerry Moran visited Wichita to announce $2.5 million in federal funds to help preserve and rehabilitate The Timbers, a Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas community serving adults with disabilities. This is a multi-phase project completed with the support of tax credits KHRC approved in 2022. Sen. Moran toured the property and met with

Senator Moran announces $2.5M in federal funds to rehabilitate, preserve Wichita apartment complex Read More »

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Income Guidelines

Household Size Maximum Income for Weatherization (200% of FPL)
1  $   25,760
2  $  34,840
3  $  43,920
4  $   53,000
5  $  62,080
6  $  71,160
7  $  80,240
8  $  89,320

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