Housing Development: MIH, KHITC, and RLF

February 28, 2025

Kansas Housing awards $14.2 million in MIH, KHITC, and RLF for rural housing development

Fifteen Kansas projects will receive a combined total of $8,180,854 in Moderate Income Housing (MIH) funds, $5,394,000 in Kansas...
December 4, 2024

KHRC Receives 74 applications for Moderate Income Housing in round 4

On Friday, November 22, KHRC accepted applications for the Moderate Income Housing (MIH), Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credit (KHITC),...
mom and daughter holding hands
October 14, 2024

Kansas Housing awards $1.6 million in KHITCs for rural housing development

Builders and developers in six Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $1,696,000 in Kansas Housing Investor Tax...
July 2, 2024

 Kansas Housing awards $3.7 million in KHITCs for rural housing development

Builders and developers in six Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $3,794,000 in Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits (KHITCs)...
May 22, 2024

Kansas Housing awards $4.9 million in KHITCs for rural housing development

Builders and developers in thirteen Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $4,984,000 in Kansas Housing Investor Tax...
February 20, 2024

Kansas Housing awards $3.9 million in Moderate Income Housing funds and $6.1 million in Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits for rural housing development

Twelve Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $3,955,215 in Moderate Income Housing (MIH) funds* and $6,069,000 in Kansas Housing...
August 11, 2023

Kansas Housing awards $4.6 million in MIH funds, $8.9 million in MIH-ARPA funds, and 5.4 million in KHITCs for rural housing development

Twenty Kansas projects will receive a combined total of $4,675,000.00 in MIH funds, $8,946,000.00 in MIH-ARPA funds, and 5,474,000...
Father helping two children with tablets at kitchen island
April 7, 2023

Kansas Housing awards $4.9 million in MIH funds, $8.5 million in MIH-ARPA funds, and 6.4 million in KHITC for rural housing development

Fifteen Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $4,925,400 in MIH funds, $8,475,000 in MIH-ARPA funds, and 6,441,000...
March 20, 2023

Kansas Housing awards the first State Affordable Housing Tax Credits

The first Kansas Affordable Housing Tax Credits have been awarded to four 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and...
December 16, 2022

Kansas Housing awards $4.9 million in MIH funds and 7.5 million in KHITC funds for rural housing development

Eleven Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $4,998,936 in Moderate Income Housing (MIH) funds and 7,593,000 in...
November 22, 2022

Kansas Housing awards $2.4 million for rural housing development

Five Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $2.4 million to develop affordable housing for moderate-income families in...
May 13, 2022

State Designates $62 million for Affordable Housing Development

Governor Kelly capped off the legislative session by signing two major bipartisan housing bills into law, representing a significant...
December 17, 2021

Kansas Housing awards $2 million for rural housing development

Eight Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $2 million to develop affordable housing for moderate-income households. The...
construction crew at groundbreaking
December 7, 2020

Kansas Housing awards nearly $2 million for rural housing development

Nine Kansas communities will receive a combined total of almost $2 million to develop affordable housing for moderate-income families....
January 7, 2020

Kansas Housing awards $2.3 million for rural housing development

Thirteen Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $2.3 million to develop affordable housing for moderate-income families. The...

Moderate Income Housing (MIH)

The Moderate Income Housing (MIH) program serves the needs of moderate-income households that typically don’t qualify for federal housing assistance. MIH grants and/or loans are awarded to cities and counties with populations fewer than 60,000 to develop single or multi-family properties for homeownership or rentals.

Households with an annual income of 60-150% Area Median Income (AMI). 

Cities and counties with populations fewer than 60,000 are eligible for the Moderate Income Housing Program.

Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits (KHITC)

The Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credit (KHITC) brings housing investment dollars to communities that lack adequate homes. Housing development complements economic development, enabling communities to attract businesses, employees, and new residents.

Communities that desire development of suitable residential housing to complement economic growth.

Builders and developers with projects located in counties with a population of 75,000 or less are eligible to apply for the Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credit program.

Now Open!

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) -

The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) supports the development of moderate income housing and infrastructure in Kansas. These loans complement other resources by increasing borrowing capacity and closing the funding gap. Fund resources may be used in both rural and urban markets.

Kansans who earn too much to qualify for affordable housing yet may struggle to afford quality market-rate homes. At least 50% of Revolving Loan Funds will be allocated to rural cities or counties with populations under 60,000.

The RLF is primarily designed for builders or developers, though the following entities are also eligible to apply: local governments, political subdivisions of the state, and nonprofit organizations focused on housing development.

Apply for MIH

Notice of Resource Availability (NORA)*

Notice of Funds Available (NOFA)*

Prior Round Notice of Resource Availability (NORA)

*MIH applications are currently closed. Updated links will be made available when the next round opens.

Notice of Application*

Excel Application*

*MIH applications are currently closed. Updated links will be made available when the next round opens.

Energy Certification*

Accessibility Certification* 

Site Review*

*MIH applications are currently closed. Updated links will be made available when the next round opens.

Apply for KHITC

Notice of Resource Availability (NORA)*

Notice of Funds Available (NOFA)*

Prior Round Notice of Resource Availability (NORA)

*KHITC applications are currently closed. Updated links will be made available when the next round opens.

Notice of Application*

Excel Application*

*KHITC applications are currently closed. Updated links will be made available when the next round opens.

Energy Certification*

Accessibility Certification* 

Site Review*

*KHITC applications are currently closed. Updated links will be made available when the next round opens.

Apply for RLF

Notice of Resource Availability

Notice of Funds Available


Moderate Income Housing:  MIH@kshousingcorp.org
Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credit: MIH@kshousingcorp.org
Revolving Loan Fund:  RLF@kshousingcorp.org

Submit Revision

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Income Guidelines

Household Size Maximum Income for Weatherization (200% of FPL)
1  $   25,760
2  $  34,840
3  $  43,920
4  $   53,000
5  $  62,080
6  $  71,160
7  $  80,240
8  $  89,320

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