Kansas Housing awards more than $143,000 in vital services for low-income families and communities

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  • Kansas Housing awards more than $143,000 in vital services for low-income families and communities

Seven nonprofit community organizations across the state received a combined $143,040.36 to help low-income Kansans achieve stability and access economic opportunities. The awards, provided through federal Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) discretionary funding, will support initiatives ranging from training staff to provide literacy and educational resources for English and non-English speakers in Northeast Kansas, providing wraparound services for unhoused survivors of domestic violence in Johnson County, and purchasing tablets to track progress for the Habitat Kansas Home Repair Project’s 16 organizations across the state.

“The CSBG program aims to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and empower low-income families and individuals to become fully self-sufficient,” said Marilyn Stanley, CSBG Program Manager at the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC). “We’re so pleased to work with our community partners to provide these vital resources to Kansans in need.”

Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the CSBG program supports local service partners that provide resources and assistance to low-income community members. KHRC serves as the state’s CSBG program administrator. CSBG grant awards fund a range of community services, including job training, financial management education, childcare services, housing and food assistance programs, and more.

Service partners apply for annual and discretionary funding through competitive application processes. Complete award details are available below and online.


Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) is a self-supporting, nonprofit, public corporation committed to helping Kansans access the safe, affordable housing they need and the dignity they deserve. KHRC serves as the state’s housing finance agency (HFA), administering essential housing and community programs to serve Kansans.

2022 CSBG Discretionary Round 2 Program Awards


Awardee Contact Person Award Amount Project Summary
NEK-CAP Inc Jeanette Collier jcollier@nekcap.org $12,000.00 To support training to provide digital literacy and soft skills educational opportunities for both English speaking and non-English speaking participants.
ECKAN Crystal Anderson canderson@eckan.org $7,508.08 To support unmet community needs assistance for individuals experiencing emergent economic needs.
Community Action, Inc Mallory Keeffe mkeeffe@wefightpoverty.org $24,000.00 To support in-depth assessment of client software system, including testing and diagnostics, data quality, cleanup, and functionality.
Empower House Ministries Inc. Melissa Landis melissa@empowerhouseministries.org $22,500.00 To support program enhancements and increasing focus on life skill training.
Fellowship Hi-Crest, Inc. Brail Watson bwatson@fellowshiphicrest.com $21,400.00 To support training for audio engineering, video editing, and digital photography community project.
Lawrence Habitat for Humanity, Inc. (Habitat Kansas) Shawna Williams director@kshabitathomes.org $29,892.00 To support the Habitat Kansas Home Repair Project with 16 local Habitat organizations across the state to purchase subscriptions of the Rehab Tracker App and 12 tablets to utilize this application onsite.
Safe Home Inc Desiree Long desiree.long@safehome-ks.org $25,740.28 To support wrap-around services to unhoused victims of domestic violence and enhance access for victims traditionally underserved including provision of assistance devices, training, marketing, and service coordination.





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Income Guidelines

Household Size Maximum Income for Weatherization (200% of FPL)
1  $   25,760
2  $  34,840
3  $  43,920
4  $   53,000
5  $  62,080
6  $  71,160
7  $  80,240
8  $  89,320

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