Addressing the Need: 2019 Annual Report

Mom and two childrenHome is where we start and end our day. In my time with Kansas Housing, I’ve come to realize that home is much more than four walls and a roof. In my travels to the communities that KHRC serves, I’m always struck by the impact that safe, affordable housing creates. The effects of stable housing radiate beyond the families served; they are felt throughout neighborhoods and strengthen communities.

This has been a memorable year for KHRC. In 2019 we renewed focus on our mission and created changes to better serve Kansas communities. Our new, simplified mission states:

We help Kansans access the safe, affordable housing they need and the dignity they deserve.

The words have changed, but the heart of our organization has not. The employees of KHRC find solutions to help Kansas address its housing needs. We will continue our work to remove the barriers to safe, affordable housing and never forget that while we provide housing, we serve people.

Please join us as we reflect on all we’ve accomplished together in our 2019 annual report. We appreciate your support and partnership and look forward to unlocking home for Kansans in 2020 and beyond.

Ryan Vincent | Executive Director


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Income Guidelines

Household Size Maximum Income for Weatherization (200% of FPL)
1  $   25,760
2  $  34,840
3  $  43,920
4  $   53,000
5  $  62,080
6  $  71,160
7  $  80,240
8  $  89,320

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