Eight nonprofit organizations will share more than $150,000 to provide community services to families and individuals across the state. The funding, made available through the Community Supported Block Grant (CSBG) program’s discretionary funds, will support activities ranging from a community gardening initiative in Wichita, to a home repair program in Atchison, to employment services for people with severe mental illness in Garden City.
“We’re so pleased to partner with community organizations across the state as they provide these vital services to Kansans in need,” said Hugh Poole, CSBG program manager. “The life-changing support of the CSBG program helps families move from financial instability to a place of opportunity.”
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) program is a federal initiative that aims to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and empower low-income families and individuals to become self-sufficient. CSBG works through eight local eligible entities in Kansas to support services and activities that alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty. A small portion of discretionary funding is available to partners that offer innovative programs that serve low-income individuals and families.
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) administers the state’s CSBG funding and oversees the competitive discretionary funding application process.
The recipients of this year’s CSBG discretionary funds are as follows:
ECKAN – Consultancy and Computer Upgrade | ECKAN service area | $15,412 | Funding will enable the agency to contract with a consultant to produce a strategic action plan and fund software upgrades to enhance agency capacity to collect and report critical data. |
Mid-KS – CAP60 and SHRM training for staff | South-Central Kansas | $13,016 | Funding will support training and technology to improve staff performance. |
Poverty Conference |
Statewide | $10,000 | Funding will support Kansas Poverty Conference. |
Children First – Food Program Playbook | Wichita area | $19,840 | Funding will support the creation and publication of Food Program Playbook for use in schools in low-income communities. |
Interfaith Housing and Community Services –Housing Assistance Network | Hutchinson area | $30,586 | Funding will support expansion of organization’s home repair program. |
Compass Behavioral Health | Garden City area | $40,194 | Funding will support implementation/expansion of IPS model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness. |
Breakthrough | Statewide | $20,370 | Funding will support training of three low-income individuals so they can speak to the Kansas legislature and the community about their experiences living in poverty. |
Catholic Charities | Wichita area | $10,010 | Funding will support employment initiative that reduces barriers to successful employment, providing childcare, transportation, and appropriate clothing for interviews/job placement. |
A self-supporting, nonprofit, public corporation, Kansas Housing helps Kansans access the safe, affordable housing they need and the dignity they deserve. For more information about the CSBG program, please contact Program Manager Hugh Poole or visit our website.