Eviction Prevention In Kansas

Event Details
October 5, 2021

Join KHRC and Housing and Credit Counseling Inc. for a FREE virtual training on how to prevent evictions and minimize damage to families.

October 5 | 2:00-3:30 p.m. | Register now.

When a tenant receives an official eviction notice, what crucial steps should they take to minimize the damage to their record and increase their chances of getting approved for future rental agreements?

Teresa Baker, Interim Director of the HUD-Approved Housing and Credit Counseling, Inc, will present answers to this question, as well as provide tips and tricks for helping tenants with poor credit or a history of eviction to enter into new leases.

Join us for this free webinar on Tuesday, October 5 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. with an introduction from KHRC’s Executive Director, Ryan Vincent, who will highlight the work that the Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) program is doing to prevent evictions across the state.

Register online here. Questions? Contact the KHRC team at info@kshousingcorp.org.




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Income Guidelines

Household Size Maximum Income for Weatherization (200% of FPL)
1  $   25,760
2  $  34,840
3  $  43,920
4  $   53,000
5  $  62,080
6  $  71,160
7  $  80,240
8  $  89,320

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